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Middle School Update – Term 3, Week 3

Dear reader, please find the below key messages for this edition’s Middle School update.

Year 10

Subject Showcase and Information Sessions

On Tuesday 30 July at 3:30-6:30pm, Pimpama State Secondary College will be running a Subject Showcase Evening and Information Sessions for parents – specifically targeting Year 10 Students.

This aligns to the senior subject selection process which began with the Year 10 Students last term.

I would highly recommend attending with your child and speaking with the Head of Departments and teachers about the subjects they’re looking to choose for 2025 and 2026.

We have two information sessions:

  • 4:15pm, 5:45pm about all things senior with Senior HoD, Reid Bolus.
  • 5:00pm about Teens Transitioning to University or Work with Positive Change Coach, Adele Johnston.

SET Plan

On Thursday and Friday 15 & 16 August, Year 10 parents and students are required to meet for half an hour to discuss future school plans for the student’s senior years.

This is a compulsory meeting.

Information to book the session will come out following the subject showcase.

Work Experience

On Monday 9 September to Friday 13 September, students will have the opportunity to participate in Work Experience.

The Work Experience Program will familiarise students with working conditions and employer expectations.

In addition, the program offers students the opportunity to sample a specific type of work, and also promotes personal and social development.

Our wonderful Industry Liaison Officer, Mrs. Milne is busy working with students finding employers and assisting with completion of forms.

Keep an eye out for more emails from Mrs. Milne regarding work experience soon.

Year 9

Junior Certificate of Education (Year 9 Students)

The Junior Certificate of Education is an important milestone for our Year 9 students.

The journey replicates the QCE process in the senior years.

In the coming weeks, we will be analysing the achievement date from the Semester One reports and advising students and families of their JCE progress.

Students require 10 JCE points this year to earn their JCE.

These are earned by passing a subject or receiving Very Good/Excellent scores in both behaviour and effort in subjects where they did not pass.

Students can also earn JCE points by attending tutorials, this must be negotiated through Targeted Academic Coaching.

Targeted Academic Coaching

Each term, we analyse the achievement data for all our students.

Students that may be at risk of not earning the required number of JCE points (Year 9) or achieving the required standard to meet senior subject pre-requisites (Year 10), may be invited to meet with the Middle School team and explore potential strategies that will increase chances of success.

Parents/Carers play a crucial role in these meetings and success of selected strategies is significantly increased with parental involvement.

Targeted Academic Coaching sessions will begin from Week 3.

Middle School

Parent-Teacher Interviews

On the afternoon/evening of Tuesday 30 July, parents/carers are invited to meet with teachers and discuss their child’s progress during Semester One.

The link for the bookings has been emailed through.

Reflection Lesson

During Pathways lessons in Weeks 3 and 4, teachers will be supporting students in reflecting on their progress during Semester One.

This is a valuable opportunity for students to reflect on the strategies and decisions they implemented on their journey to fulfilling certain goals in the first half of the year.

Students will have the opportunity to identify barriers to success and discuss with their Pathways teacher potential solutions and adjustments that will lead to increased achievement.


At Pimpama State Secondary College, we expect students to keep mobile phones switched off and away for the day, and notifications disabled on wearable devices during school hours.

If students choose to bring these devices to school, they are required to be off and out of site for the duration of the school day.

Students can choose to hand in their device at the front office if they would like it cared for during the school day.

Students that are witnessed using their device are instructed to hand in their device to the front office for the remainder of the day.

If a student does not comply with this request or a student is repeatedly caught with their device, consequences may be issued by the sub school team.

We endeavour to communicate with you throughout this process and are appreciated of your support.

Kind regards,

Joshua Ubank

Deputy Principal of Middle School