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Principal’s Update – Term 2, Week 9

Dear Pimpama State Secondary College Community

I am pleased to share that we have a range of nominees for Excellence Awards at this year’s Gold Coast State Secondary Education Ball and Excellence Awards.

Excellence in Secondary Teaching Award – Sam Ubank

Sam is a valued English teacher at our College.  She is a passionate educator who is committed to providing the best possible education to her students.  Sam also impacts the learning of many other students in the college through her role of Specialist Leaders, Quality Teaching.  Part of this role is to build the capability staff and to advocate across the college for high quality learning experiences.

Excellence in Educational Support Award – Lucy Grey

Youth Support Coordinator, Lucinda Grey plays a crucial and esteemed role within the

Engagement and Wellbeing Team at Pimpama State Secondary. Her primary responsibility is to advocate for young individuals facing the risk of disengagement from education. Serving as an attentive observer of the social dynamics among students, Lucy possesses a distinctive and invaluable connection with our student body.

Excellence in Secondary Education Leadership Award – Anna Alarcon

Anna is our English Head of Department who is incredibly well respected by staff, students and her peers.  Anna is always optimistic and her interactions with everyone in our community is positive.  Anna’s leadership continues to see outstanding outcomes for our students in English.  We are incredible lucky to have Anna on our leadership team. 

Excellence in Innovation Award – The ACE Project, Business & Enterprise Faculty

The ACE project is an innovative program for developing 21st century skills in the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.  ACE represents Adaptability, Creativity and Enterprise.  The project is a two day challenge designed to support our year 6 students to transition to high school.

All of our staff at Pimpama State Secondary College are incredibly hard working and prioritise the learning and wellbeing of our students.  The Education Ball is a great opportunity to celebrate our fantastic staff and I congratulate Sam, Lucy, Anna and the ACE Project team.

This year, Reconciliation Week was 27th May until 3rd of June.  At Pimpama State Secondary College we came together to honour and respect our shared history by hosting a smoking ceremony on Monday.  National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.  It was a meaningful start to the week dedicated to fostering understanding, healing, and unity. Let’s continue to walk the path of reconciliation together.

I would like to commend our students for their effort, behaviour and achievements in the first half of 2024.  Pimpama is a school that is full of rich experiences and opportunities and it great to see our students engaging with enthusiasm.  Early next term students will receive their Semester 1 report cards and there will be an opportunity for parents and carers to meet with teachers at our Parent/Teacher Interviews.  I encourage you to take this opportunity to continue to partner with us in your child’s education.  

Kind regards,

Megan Roderick

College Principal