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Pacific Vibe – Performing Arts Program

Kia Ora, Aloha, Bula, Talofa, Kia Orana, Malo, and Gidday.

I would like to welcome you to our new wellbeing and cultural program called Pacific Vibe. This is a program where students and staff can learn about their cultures through the platform of performing arts.

We use a variety of Polynesian or Pacific Island dances, customs, traditions, and stories to educate each other about who we are, where we come from, and where our journey is heading.

Our main focus is that we can learn about our cultures, identity, and how we all contribute to the Pimpama community as a whole using the performing arts mediums of dance, song, music, acting, art, and technology.

Thus, allowing all participants to gain new and specific tools which enables us to embrace our different cultures and heritage. Furthermore, contributing positively to our school spirit and values.

Our name “Pacific Vibe” utilises the acronym vibe. This acronym is explained in the following manner:

  • V = Very Important Production:
    • At the end of the year our students and staff will present a special production/show. This brings the school, families, and students together in a fun, safe, and entertaining space to showcase what we have learned in the program.
  • I = Identity & Belonging:
    • We all learn about who we are as individuals and as a community within our school and beyond which is an integral piece to the program.
  • B = Body & Soul:
    • An important focus is on fitness, health, and wellbeing. Using sport, physical games/activities, health programs, fitness goals, and exercise, we can build self-confidence, self-esteem, courage, and mindfulness.
  • E = Excellence in Education:
    • We provide support systems for students with their academic responsibilities (e.g. study groups and peer work).

Currently, we have students and staff in our program from various cultural backgrounds like New Zealand, Australia, Māori, Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, First Nations Indigenous, Bosnian, English, Scottish, Chinese, and the Philippines.

Pacific Vibe is for everyone. All cultures, all backgrounds, and all peoples.

To further understand each other and our roles within society, Pacific Vibe will also network with other schools, performing art organisations, sporting clubs, and government programs – solidifying the need to partner with those who can support our students.

Nau Mai, Haere Mai, and Welcome.

Mr. Grace (aka – CHIEF)

HPE Department.