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Principal’s Update – Term 3, Week 3

Dear Pimpama State Secondary College community,

It has been a chilly but productive start to Term 3.

We commenced the term with our very first school musical, High School Musical: ON STAGE!

Our student performers were outstanding and the production was an absolute credit to our Performing Arts staff for their commitment for the last six months.

Thank you to all of our families who came along to support.

Parent and School Partnerships

Parent engagement in school communities can improve students’ self-esteem, school attendance, behaviour and achievement.

I encourage you to continue to work in partnership with the college to support your child’s learning and wellbeing.

On Tuesday 30 July we invite you to participate in Parent-Teacher Interviews and to attend our Subject Showcase to understand your child’s progress and what the college can offer them in the future.

I also encourage parents to engage in our Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association.

The P&C provides an opportunity to engage in school events and priorities and meet other parents from the college.

The P&C meets twice each term so please look out for the next meeting and come join us!

Thank you to our P&C for your engagement with our most recent fundraiser, a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle to support our Year 12 Formal.

It was a great Sunday at Bunnings with lots of parent and student volunteers, as well as lots of Pimpama parents popping in to buy a Snag.

Thank you for your support!

School Opinion Survey

The annual suite of the School Opinion Surveys will be conducted in Term 3 and will close on Friday 16 August 2024. All families, school staff and students in target year levels (Yr 8 and 11) will be invited to participate.

We encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say about what our school does well, and how we can improve.

An invitation to complete the Parent/Caregiver Survey was emailed to one parent/caregiver per family in the week beginning Monday 22 July.

The invitation was sent from the Department of Education, not the school and it will have a subject line School Opinion Survey for Parents and Caregivers, 2024.

Check your junk email folders if you can’t find it.

The survey can be completed as soon as the invitation is received and will take approximately 5 minutes using a computer, tablet, or smart phone.

Parents/Caregivers who do not have access to internet at home are welcome to complete their survey online at the school.

School computers/tablets will be available.

We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback.

Thank you for continuing to work in partnership with the college.

Kind regards,

Megan Roderick

College Principal