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Middle School Update – Week 3

Whole School

Parent-Teacher interviews

Parent-Teacher interviews have been postponed to 14 May from 3:30-6:30pm. This is a great opportunity to speak with your child’s teacher about how they can improve in future assessments and have positive conversations about their learning journey. Bookings are through Daymap- which will open on Friday 3 May. 

To Log in to Daymap use your email address as your username. Click the Set your password button below if you aren’t sure of your password and need it reset, using the link below:

You can access Parents Daymap via

Middle School


Throughout term 2 and 3, students will navigate the SET Plan process which is about selecting subjects and courses that align to their career aspirations. The first step to this is the Gold Coast Careers festival, approximately 100 students have elected to attend on Friday 3 May to learn all about what careers are out in the big wide world. If your child has missed this opportunity, they will be able to attend next year.

Throughout he term, all year 10 students will then learn about the subjects/ certificates and pathways available for  2025. Please look out for emails from the Middle School Team.

Work Experience-Yr 10

Next week, students will receive letters for work experience in Week 10 of term 3, students have 3 options:

  1. Find their own placement (preferred)
  2. Request to work at a primary school (school organises)
  3. Request for school to help finding placement (not guaranteed placement)

Please reach out to Mr Williams or Mr Ubank if you have questions. 

JCE-Yr 9               

Following the interim report cards, we have identified students who are not on track to reach their Junior Certificate of Education. Students who are at risk, will be assigned an academic coaching conversation with Mr Ubank, Mr Williams or Mr Hamilton in the next few weeks. Parents will be emailed about this. 


Whilst reviewing report cards, we have noticed an alarming trend- Students who attend less than 80% of school days are significantly more likely to underachieve in their subjects. Can you please ensure that your child is at school more often. If you are struggling to get them to school- please reach out to the Middle School team as soon as possible.